The Pros of Probiotics

We all have different gut bacteria, good and bad. Only 10% of gut bacteria are shared by individuals. Not all probiotics work for everyone. Eating when you are stressed, angry or sad throws the gut microbes and brain out of balance. Help keep diversity of bacteria in the gut during times of stress.

Prebiotics feed the good bacteria in the gut. Plant foods are prebiotic: Fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

The 2 biggest factors affecting the brain:

1. Inflammation

2. Free radicals

Good gut microbes help eliminate inflammation

The biggest factor affecting gut microbes: FOOD

Low levels of L. acidophilus (a probiotic) in the intestines has been linked to mental health disorders.

Benefits of Probiotics:

• Improve fasting insulin levels

• Decrease risk of acne

• Decrease depression and anxiety symptoms

Types of Probiotics:

• Yogurt

• Kombucha

• Miso

• Kimchi

• Sauerkraut

• Tempeh

• Kefir

• Natto (fermented soybeans)

• Micro algae (spirulina, chorella, blue-green algae)

• Pickles (sorry, not the vinegary kind)