Fiber Fills… Fuels…Feeds
We’ve heard about the benefits of fiber. It fills you up so you don’t go reaching into the secret stash of candy bars in your office desk (oh you know you have one). It gives you much needed energy to make it through the day. High fiber foods feed the good bacteria in your gut. Fiber is fabulous! But what are the differences in fiber rich foods and what does fiber do? I’m glad you asked. Here’s the scoop on the stuff that makes you poop:
Soluble fiber absorbs water and turns to gel in your digestive tract. It helps bulk up your poop so it comes out well formed. Some foods that are high in soluble include: oatmeal, apples, nuts, peas, berries, beans, carrots, barley, citrus fruits.
Insoluble fiber helps move things along. You don’t want anything stuck up there. Foods that have insoluble fiber include: celery, seeds, skins of fruits, wheat bran, whole wheat bread, nuts, beans, cauliflower, green beans, brown rice, potatoes.
Did you notice some foods are on both lists? That’s right, they contain both kinds of fiber. A 2 for 1 deal! Doesn’t a hearty bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts sound good right now?